
DBS Yak-40 AI Released

DBS Yak-40 AI
DBS Studio and Simlandmarks proudly present an FSX version of the Yak-40 AI model which original FS9 version was released in 2005 as freeware.


Coupons for purchase WalkAndFollow FSX

DBS Studio offer coupons to save €6.5 at WalkAndFollow FSX purchasing on Simmarket for user, who purchase DBS WalkAndFolow 2004 at IgFly or at last time on DBS.
For request coupon send free form mail to dbs@dbsim.com with contact information on body.
Coupons must be used before July 2008.


Yak-40 AI project announcement

DBS Studio and Simlandmarks proudly present an FSX version of the Yak-40 AI model which original FS9 version was released in 2005 as freeware.
New model utilizes the same bitmap layout making the existing liveries designed for FS9 model are fully compatible with the new model.
Model is completely redesigned to take a full advantage of the new native FSX MDL format. With this product we've started the new series of the professionally designed AI models for FSX

Analogue Terrain Radar

1st prototype of Analogue Terrain Radar


Discount offer to WalkAndFollow FSX

DBS Studio present discount offer to WalkAndFollow FSX for users, who purchased Walk&Follow for FS2004 at IGFly.

For use this offer visit alfaFly and on WalkAndFolow FSX page read Discount note for access verification page, enter e-mail, that used at purchasing on IGFly and get access to basket with WalkAndFollow FSX by price €12.95.

Att: For activation discounted product to Registration ID field must be writed e-mail, that used when Walk&Follow 2004 purchased at IGFly and on User Mail field - writed current valid e-mail address (to this address DBS send activation key).

All question about discounted program can be write here as comment or send mail to DBS Support manager.

Update for WalkAndFollow FSX (patch

DBS Studio release patch for WalkAndFollow FSX.

Features in patch:
1. Vista compatible
2. Widescreen monitors support
3. Setting dialog extended for support adjust parameters for monitors, that can be not adjust automatically (for standart display ratio 4:3 or 16:10 manual adjusting not needed)


New simulator related shop

We add our products to new simulator related shop alfaFly

Update for WalkAndFollow FSX

Patch for Walk And Follow FSX

Repair possible problems with activation under Vista